#2843 PCI IOP
The #2843/#9943 is a PCI I/O processor with 64 MB of memory that drives up to four PCI IOA adapters on the Models 810,820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, #5074 PCI Expansion Tower, #5075 PCI Expansion Tower when attached to the Model 820,and on the #0578/#5078 PCI Expansion Unit, #0588/#5088 PCI-X Expansion Unit, #5094 PCI-X Expansion Tower,#0595/#5095 PCI-X Expansion Tower, #5294 1.8m I/O Tower, and the #5079 1.8 M I/O Tower.
Up to five #2843 PCI IOPs may be added to the Model 820 system unit.
When attached to a Model 820, the #5075 can contain or support up to three #2843 PCI IOP features.
On the #5074 PCI Expansion Tower, a PCI IOP is not embedded, but a #9943 Base PCI IOP is included.
Up to five #2843PCI IOPs may be added to a #5074. Up to six #2843 PCI IOPs may be added to a #5078.On the #5079 1.8 M I/O Tower, a PCI IOP is not embedded, but two #9943 Base PCI IOP are included. Up to ten #2843PCI IOPs may be added to the #5079
.The #9943 may only be on initial system orders or on Miscellaneous Equipment Specification (MES) orders that add #5074,#5078, or #5079 towers to an installed system.
The maximum number of #9943s installed on a system is one in the systemunit, plus one in each #5074 and two in each #5079.Refer to PCI Card Placement Rules for the IBM Eserver iSeries Server, REDP-3638 for further restrictions.#281x ATM, #2750, #2751, #2761 not supported with i5/OS V5R3.The #2843 is a Customer Install Feature.